The accounting of our income and expenses is carried out according to French rules and regulations. Each month the holders of activity areas in Lerab Ling receive a financial statement. Lerab Ling works with a registered accountant who provides our annual reports, balance sheets and appendixes.

Each year we prepare reports on the subject of collected funds such as donations ‘Compte d'emploi des ressources’ that establish how it has been used, including what has not been used during the previous years. Please note that the possibility of making donations through the Lerab Ling website is considered to be national campaigns (campagne nationale) by the general controller and auditor (cour des comptes). Therefore, the control of the accounts concerning the use of these resources falls under the jurisdiction of the general controller and auditor.

Similarly, our specific requests for donations concerning scholarships, spiritual care or prayer requests are made and processed according to particular rules, together with the direct expenses they incur. A chart showing the use of these dedicated funds is found in the note accompanying the accounts.


    In accordance with French law, our accounts are audited each year, meaning a very thorough examination of all financial movements. Our external auditor is RSM Rhône-Alpes (Lyon), the auditor is M.Gaël Dhalluin.

    The auditor’s reports are available on the website of the Journal Officiel of the French government.

    You can read our 2016 Annual Auditor’s Reports here

    You can read our 2017 Annual Report here


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How to find us

Lerab Ling, L'Engayresque, 34650 Roqueredonde, France
Telephone: +33 (0)4 67 88 46 00
GPS: 43.800248,3.237998

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Lerab Ling, L’Engayresque
34650 Roqueredonde, France

Email – lerab.ling@rigpa.org
Telephone  +33 (0) 467 88 46 00

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About Lerab Ling

Lerab Ling, under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is one of the main centres preserving the authentic study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 1991...

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